Del Tin sword fact-sheet

The following list is over Del Tin swords I've handled. The following stats are found: point of balance (in millimeters from the cross), blade length, and center of percussion (in millimeters from the cross). I also mention if I found the sword harmonically balanced (a rather crude estimate, as I haven't test-cut with the swords). Lastly, I give a "manoeuvreablity grade" on a scale from 1 (poor) to 5 (very good). This is rather subjective, but gives a hint whether the swords are good when handled "dry". This is a comparison made between Del Tin swords; if a sword made by, say, Gus Trim was used as a standard, the grades would probably slip with one point. If there are two numbers separated by a slash, this indicates how the sword handles when used with one and two hands, respectively. In some cases, swords with thicker ("re-enactment") edges have been measured; those swords are marked with a *. This might throw the stats somewhat, but probably not in any significant way. Please note that the list isn't complete.

Model #  PoB  Blade length  CoP  Harm. bal.  Handling
2080  200  850  590  Y  1,5
2100  130  840  580  Y  2
2102  130  835  540    2
2103  145  835  560  Y  2
2121  150  827  540  Y  4
2130  170  830  570  Y  3
2132  165  880  570  Y  3
2133*  150  830  550  Y  2
2142  160  980  635  Y  4
2143*  110  930  570  Y  3/5
2144*  150  825  540  Y  4
2147*  115  930  580  Y  2/4
2151  140  985  650  Y  2/4
2158  85  695  580  N  5
2159  150  940  600  Y  3
2160  110  990  640  Y  4
2163  120  1060  670  So-so  3
2171  90        
2178  100        
5131  90        5
5140*  115  930  590  Y  5
5142  140  767  525  Y  4
5143  140  985  640  OK  4
5144*  100  875  570  N  5
5150  130  860  560  OK  4
5154*  160  1050  650  N  3
5157  135  1035  670  So-so  4
5160  150  935  650  Y  4
5161  75  1050  630  N  4
5162  80  770  490  Y  3